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The power of your union depends on the level of membership unity and involvement. When the membership is united, the union has the power to win better contracts and a stronger voice on the job.

There are many ways to join us

Join Local 888

Form A Union


Associate Member

Join a caucus

Women's Caucus

Supports and participates in many events that are related to women's issues while empowering our community. We're looking for a chairperson to reinvigorate the caucus. Email

African American Caucus (AFRAM)

Committed to enhancing opportunities for education, training, mentorship, leadership development and networking for members and staff of African descent.

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Lavendar Caucus

Works to mobilize mutual support between the labor movement and the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender community. The caucus needs a chairperson. Email

Latino Caucus

Seeks to organize, educate and develop Latino and community members' involvement to achieve power, respect and social justice for the working class.

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