SEIU members hard hit by pandemic stress, insecurity
April 16, 2021
The COVID-19 crisis has brought increased stress and hardship to workers in Massachusetts — along with increased fears of having budgets, services and jobs cut.

The COVID-19 crisis has brought increased stress and hardship to workers in Massachusetts — along with increased fears of having budgets, services and jobs cut.
Union members at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home organized a March 30 candlelight vigil to remember the tragedy that struck the residential facility one year ago.
Raise Up Massachusetts, a coalition backed by Local 888, has successfully campaigned to get all Massachusetts workers covered by Emergency Paid Sick Time. That includes municipal workers, who Gov. Charlie Baker had sought to exclude.
Boston Police dispatchers, a Local 888 chapter, were on the frontlines as the pandemic hit. Now the chapter is hoping members’ service will be remembered at the State House this year.
Workers at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home were forced to experience one of the most traumatic COVID-19 outbreaks in the U.S. To help employees recover emotionally from the disaster, a coalition of unions has reached an agreement with the state that will provide mental health services.
Reports from the pandemic frontlines are very positive in regards to one of the state’s sprawling labor contracts, the so-called “Unit 2” agreement.