“Membership unity is key to winning good contracts,” said Local 888 President Tom McKeever, adding that “having a skilled negotiator to guide you is not enough.”
He spoke at a Member Welcome Orientation workshop; these are held regularly by the union.
In terms of union activism, McKeever said, he started off as a steward — advocating on behalf of members at the Massachusetts State Lottery. He later was elected secretary-treasurer of the local.
Under its new program, Local 888 offers these 45-minute orientations on Zoom. The next ones are scheduled for 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Thurs., March 10. See www.seiu888.org/mwo or email myunion@seiu888.org to register.
For more on Local 888 chapters and welcoming new members, see The Spark at www.seiu888.org/2021/09/22/sign-new-employees-up-as-members-on-their-first-day/.
Zoom workshops offer primer on Local 888 membership
February 13, 2022
Give participants a chance to meet union officers such as President Tom McKeever.