What do people in other communities, — doing the same work — get paid? The Local 888 town hall, administrative and clerical chapter in Uxbridge asked just that.
Members worked together on a survey that compared their pay to 14 other communities. And what they learned was that others in similar jobs were getting paid more.
The end result reached at the bargaining table: The chapter's members gained raises ranging from 8 percent to 12 percent. The contract passed unanimously.
“It’s a great contract,” said Amanda Perreault, the chapter leader. “We’re very excited about it.”
“Doing the survey really paid off,” she added. “And I think it brought us all closer together.”
Pulling the administrative workers together can be difficult, given that they work in a wide range of departments and buildings. Six are at the library, five at the town’s council on aging, two over at the Department of Public Works and the others in various town offices.
The chapter’s old contract ran out during the first COVID crisis in 2020. The new contract, then, covers July 2020 through 2023. This July, members will also get a 2 percent pay boost.
The town paid an outside organization to conduct the comparison survey. In the process, outdated job descriptions were rewritten, some for the first time in years.
Also: The reworked salary ranges are now higher than before. That will make it easier to keep people — hire new ones as well, added Perreault. She works on payroll and benefits in the treasurer-collector’s office.
Uxbridge’s 911 call center chapter is also united with Local 888. Altogether, Local 888 has 43 members in Uxbridge. For more on Local 888 chapters and welcoming new members, see www.seiu888.org/2021/09/22/sign-new-employees-up-as-members-on-their-first-day/.
Salary survey pays off for Uxbridge clerical, Town Hall chapter
February 11, 2022
Contract with up to 12 percent raises passes unanimously.