Local 888 members in the production and distribution area at the Massachusetts State Lottery, about 16 people, were recently honored for being essential workers during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Lottery sales are looking like they’ll hit record numbers for the fiscal year ending June 30.
Now, said Rick Moran, a newly elected Local 888 Executive Board member, he’d like to see this reflected at the bargaining table. So far, that’s just not happening. “They haven’t offered us a good contract.”
Moran ran for the board on the Take our Union Back slate headed by Tom McKeever, the new Local 888 president. The two worked together on the distribution line at the Lottery.
About one-quarter of Local 888’s 340 members at the Lottery were not able to work from home during the pandemic. That includes repair technicians, customer service representatives and information technology workers.
“We’re the ones who made it happen — kept the Lottery alive,” said Moran.
The distribution department adapted to the crisis by creating two shifts, with one starting at 4:45 a.m., rather than the one that had existed. Also, hand sanitizer, masks, gloves and plastic guards between work stations, became part of the routine. Perhaps as a result, — there were not warehouse outbreaks as a result.
Working at the Lottery since 2003, Moran said, “I have experienced first hand the value of a strong, active union. And he has served as a steward for three years, “I don’t like to see unfairness in the work environment. And I wanted to do my part.”
He pointed to workplace safety, equal opportunity to advance and job security as top issues for him.
Early on in the pandemic, officials at the Massachusetts State Lottery praised Local 888 members and other staffers.
“I commend our team members for their ability to quickly and responsibly implement and adapt to new and modified operating procedures during what has been a uniquely challenging time in all of our lives,” said Michael Sweeney, the Lottery’s executive director. “The team’s performance under these conditions is the most impressive accomplishment in my time at the Lottery.”
‘Essential’ Lottery workers honored, eye better contract
June 29, 2021
Local 888 members in the production and distribution area at the Massachusetts State Lottery, about 16 people, were recently honored for being essential workers during the pandemic.