Local 888 is looking to build power to win — for all — by increasing union membership in existing chapters. To learn the tools for the campaign, chapter leaders can attend the “Join Up” member drive training set for Thursday, July 15
Chapters win better contracts when every worker in the unit is an active member of the union. On the other hand, employers use every non-payer as a point of weakness at the bargaining table.
The purpose of “Join Up” is to provide chapter leaders with additional training to aid in signing up co-workers who haven’t yet joined the union. The hour-long workshop will run twice on Thursday, July 15, at 11 a.m. or 6 p.m.
To register, go to www.seiu888.org/joinup. Also, see Local 888 events at https://www.seiu888.org/.
‘Join Up’ for better contracts
June 28, 2021
Local 888 is looking to increase membership to win better contracts. A workshop on the upcoming campaign is set for Thursday, July 15.