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Steamship clerks tie up a win

December 10, 2019

[caption id="attachment_9694" align="alignnone" width="300"]FULL SPEED AHEAD: A fast-moving Massachusetts Steamship Authority ferry is part of the fleet that services Nantucket and the Vineyard. The authority’s Local 888 clerks have ratified a new contract.FULL SPEED AHEAD: A fast-moving Massachusetts Steamship Authority ferry is part of the fleet that services Nantucket and the Vineyard. The authority’s Local 888 clerks have ratified a new contract.[/caption]

Local 888 members at the Massachusetts Steamship Authority were all “steamed up” over management’s proposed terms for a contract. But a new contract with bigger raises sailed through on a recent vote.

Members will receive average raises of 12 percent over the course of the three-year contract. Also, members will get several months’ worth of raises retroactively.

The October wind storms may have turned the tide in the chapter’s favor, said John Magner, Local 888 staff attorney. “Our guys did a good job handling all the trip cancelations,” said Magner. “It helped with negotiations.”

Wind gusts up to 58 mph were registered on Martha’s Vineyard during the October storms.

The chapter’s 25 members are reservation clerks for passenger and commercial vehicles for the ferries, which service the Vineyard and Nantucket. Most clerks are located on the mainland, but several work on the pricey islands.

Contract talks had dragged from last year into fall of this year.

The new agreement calls for management to continue to pay 80 percent of members’ health insurance, which is an SEIU Local 888 affiliated plan.

If you or your co-workers are interested in learning about the SEIU Local 888 Affiliated Funds — which include health, dental and vision plans — call Linda DeLuca at 617-241-3367 or email